Study Break: Let’s Talk About Stress Management!

I’m sure you’re no stranger to stress, reader. It’s what takes up the most space in our university package (aside from debt of course).

Do not fear though, for there are many ways to make sure you have the right amount of stress. Yes, you read that correctly.

stress relief

I don’t think one can ever be completely free of stress because there are just so many different factors that cause it. I have always been someone who stresses out and overanalyzes the smallest things, so university made the list of these factors even longer.

I got to a point where it became too much and decided that something must be done about this. I wanted to enjoy my time at university! Here are some stress management strategies that worked great for me!



A proper sleep schedule is the advice you have probably heard a gazillion times by now, right? Have you tried it, though? Try setting your bedtime and wake-up time to a specific time and making a routine out of it. This can help you avoid getting into sleep debt (because do you really need more debt?) and make it easier to wake up in the morning. I don’t know about you but getting too much sleep and not getting enough sleep both make my day unproductive which makes me stressed!


mommy hug

I really underestimated the power of talking to someone or even something (LOL, I’ll explain) about problems that stress me out. Talking to someone is literally the best because people who care about you give the best advice and it’s always a great reminder to know you’re not alone.

For the part where you talk to something, teddy bears are great too! LOL, just kidding. Some days, I like writing out whatever I’m feeling without thinking twice about what I’m writing. It helps me organize my thoughts and sometimes, I can figure out what is bothering me the most (it’s usually what I spend the longest ranting about).


For me, the most consistent source of school-related stress has been that I’m running out of time. One of the things I use to manage time and stress are the Pomodoro Technique and a set number of hours in a day to work.

The Pomodoro Technique, simply put, is taking 5-minute breaks after every 25 minutes of work. Also, considering that full time workers typically work 9 to 5 (8 hours), I think full time students should have a set time like this too. I usually work from 9 to 6 (including my classes) and then I relax for the evening. This way, I don’t think about procrastinating when I’m working or working when I’m relaxing. Give it a try!

Out of so many different techniques I’ve tried this year, these ones have been the most effective in reducing my stress to manageable levels. I like just a little bit of stress because it keeps me motivated and focused on what needs to get done. Be sure to comment below and tell me which strategies work best for you!

Step out of your comfort zone and outmaneuver yourself.

– Azalfa


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